
Understanding Medical Restrictions

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Understanding Medical Restrictions

About a year ago, I realized that there were some issues with my medical plan. I was diagnosed with a serious condition, but my treatments weren't going along quite as nicely as I would have hoped. I started thinking about different ways to streamline things, but I knew that I needed the help of my medical provider. I headed in to a medical clinic, and they worked with me to figure things out. I wanted to start a website to encourage others to find the help they need each and every day. Check out this blog for moe information that could help you.


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How Seeing A Podiatrist Might Lead You To See Other Specialists

Podiatrists are excellent for what ails the feet. These specialists know the human foot inside and out. They also know when something is not right with your feet, and when to send you to another specialist to pare down the causes of what is happening to your feet. It does not mean that your podiatrist does not know what he or she is dealing with; it simply means that your podiatrist thinks something else is going on and he/she want a second professional opinion and the chance to eliminate one or more possibilities. Here is how a visit to your podiatrist leads to visits with other specialists.

Problems with Wounds Healing

If your feet are constantly splitting open, creating wounds, and taking forever to heal, your podiatrist might suspect that you have diabetes. Millions of Americans have diabetes and do not even know it. This disorder of the body causes a lot of problems with the feet, including wounds that do not heal. Ergo, your podiatrist would refer you back to your general/family doctor or a nephrologist (kidney doctor) to check for diabetes before continuing to treat your feet.

Problems with Frequent Broken Bones in the Feet or Ankles

If your feet and/or ankles seem to experience a lot of broken bones or frequent breaks, your podiatrist met send you to an orthopedist (bone doctor). The purpose of this type of referral is to rule out osteoporosis, which often presents itself in the back, but can present itself in other areas of the body. There are also some rare bone diseases that can cause bones to break easily, disintegrate, or be absorbed by the body. Your podiatrist just wants to be sure that you have none of these disorders. If you do, then he/she can coordinate a treatment plan with the orthopedist that will not inflict more pain or damage to your foot and ankle bones.

Problems with Frequent Lesions on Your Feet

If your feet break out in warts, break out in boils, or break out in any other type of lesion, and you have never had this happen your entire life, your podiatrist might send you to an immunologist. The immunologist can check for diseases that normally would prevent you from these breakouts, including HIV/AIDS. Many skin diseases that suddenly begin to appear on your feet (or anywhere else) often have an immunodeficiency cause. If that is the case, then a special treatment plan has to be developed to help you with the skin lesions on your feet.

Contact a clinic, like Laurel Podiatry Associates, LLC, for more help.