When Odd Growths On Your Foot Become Reasons For Urgent Care
Most of the time, urgent care clinics only take patients with illnesses or problems that can be resolved in a clinic setting. These cases are urgent in the sense that the patients do not feel well or are experiencing something very uncomfortable, but going to a hospital emergency room would result in a long wait. If you notice some odd growths on your feet, you may be tempted to go to an urgent care clinic. What you should do is just wait and watch what happens to your feet. Here are a few more guidelines to follow to help you know when you should see an urgent care clinic doctor.
The Growths on Your Feet Are Exceedingly Painful
Growths on your feet that are painful are a reason to see a medical professional right away. This is definitely true if the pain prevents you from walking properly or walking at all. Chances are, you just have some plantar's warts or corns, both of which are quite painful, but it is always good to have these growths checked out anyway.
The Growths Are Red, Hot to the Touch, and/or Oozing
Growths anywhere on your body that are bright red, hot to the touch, and/or oozing something should always be viewed by a doctor. These are signs of infection, and you may need to take antibiotics for a few days. If there is something stuck in these growths that is causing the infection, then the doctor can remove it before prescribing antibiotics.
The Growths Are Very Hard and Growing Rapidly
Very hard growths on your feet can indicate just about anything, but if they are also growing rapidly and swelling, it could be something as serious as cancer. An urgent care doctor will not lance these growths, but will take a biopsy and a culture to see what is happening. If it is deemed truly serious, then the doctor will refer you to a specialist, such as a podiatrist or a oncologist (a doctor that treats cancer patients).
When Things Just Do Not Look Right
In short, when growths on your feet just do not look right, smell right, or feel right, go to urgent care. You will have to follow up with your regular doctor afterward, but at least you can have your foot growths examined almost immediately to get a diagnosis and relief. If your regular doctor re-diagnoses the condition as something else, be sure to follow the second set of treatment instructions provided.