Everything You Need To Know About Residential Rehab Programs
When an individual who is addicted to opiates makes the brave decision to stop using drugs, the individual's body has to detox from the drugs. However, if you are a long-term drug user, the detoxification process is extremely difficult, and it can even be deadly. One way to increase your chance of detoxing from opiates is enrolling in a residential rehab center.
What is a residential rehab center?
A residential rehab center is a facility where you live on-site for the duration of the program. You do not leave the center to sleep, work, or attend school; instead, you spend all of your time at the facility so that you can focus on your fight against substance misuse.
During the day, patients attend different classes and appointments to give them the coping skills that they need to stop using drugs.
How can a residential rehab center help patients who are addicted to drugs through the detox process?
There are a few ways that a residential rehab center can aid in the drug detox process.
Individuals who attend residential rehab programs are closely monitored by doctors. To alleviate some of the dangerous symptoms associated with opiate withdrawal, a doctor can prescribe a prescription medication, such as methadone.
Methadone is an effective medication to help patients stop using drugs because it reduces the symptoms of withdrawal without causing the feelings of euphoria associated with opiates. Your doctor will decrease your dose over time.
Another benefit of residential rehab programs is that they provide patients with supportive environments. Many patients live with or are frequently around other individuals who abuse opiates. Removing bad influences from the patient's life helps reduce temptation while the patient focuses on getting clean.
Residential programs frequently incorporate therapy and support group sessions into their daily routine to ensure that patients have emotional support as they battle their addictions.
Will health insurance cover a residential rehab program?
Whether or not health insurance covers a residential rehab program depends on the terms of the policy. Most insurance policies cover medical expenses that are necessary for treating substance abuse; however, the coverage may be limited, and you may be required to meet your deductible before the coverage kicks in.
Check with your health insurance provider and your preferred residential rehab program to get a better idea of how of the program will cost you. Even if your insurance policy does not completely cover your stay, it is a worthwhile investment in your health and future well-being.
Contact a company like Support Systems Homes for more information and assistance.